Note: This page covers Parcel 1, the documentation for Parcel 2 is being worked on here:

📔 Module Resolution

The Parcel resolver implements a modified version of the node_modules resolution algorithm.

Module resolution

In addition to the standard algorithm, all asset types supported by Parcel are also resolved.

Module resolution can be relative to the:

Absolute Paths

/foo resolves foo relative to the entry root.

~ Tilde Paths

~/foo resolves foo relative to the nearest package root or, if not found, the entry root.

Glob file paths

Globs are wildcard imports that bundle multiple assets at once. Globs can match some or all files (/assets/*.png), as well as files in multiple directories (/assets/**/*)

This example bundles a directory of png files and returns the dist URLs.

import foo from "/assets/*.png";
// {
//   'file-1': '/file-1.8e73c985.png',
//   'file-2': '/file-1.8e73c985.png'
// }

package.json browser field

If a package includes a package.browser field, Parcel will use this instead of the package.main entry.


Aliases are supported through the alias field in package.json.

This example aliases react to preact and some local custom module that is not in node_modules.

// package.json
  "name": "some-package",
  "devDependencies": {
    "parcel-bundler": "^1.7.0"
  "alias": {
    "react": "preact-compat",
    "react-dom": "preact-compat",
    "local-module": "./custom/modules"

Avoid using any special characters in your aliases as some may be used by Parcel and others by 3rd party tools or extensions. For example:

We advise being explicit when defining your aliases, so please specify file extensions, otherwise Parcel will need to guess. See JavaScript Named Exports for an example of this.

Common issues

JavaScript Named Exports

Alias mappings apply to many asset types and do not specifically support mapping of JavaScript named exports. If you wish to map JS named exports you can do this:

// package.json
  "name": "some-package",
  "alias": {
    "ipcRenderer": "./electron-ipc.js" // specify file extension

and re-export the named export within the aliased file:

// electron-ipc.js
module.exports = require('electron').ipcRenderer

Flow with Absolute or Tilde Resolution

When using absolute path or tilde path module resolution you must configure Flow using the module.name_mapper feature.

Given a project with this structure:


And src/index.html as an entrypoint, our entry root is the src/ folder.

Therefore, to map this import correctly:

// index.js
import Apple from '/components/apple'

We need Flow to replace the leading / in '/components/apple' with src/, resulting in 'src/components/apple'.

The following setting in our .flowconfig achieves this replacement:

module.name_mapper='^\/\(.*\)$' -> '<PROJECT_ROOT>/src/\1'

Where <PROJECT_ROOT> is a Flow specific identifier indicating the location of our .flowconfig

NB: module.name_mapper can have multiple entries. This allows support for Absolute or Tilde Path Resolution in addition to local module aliasing support.

TypeScript ~ Resolution

TypeScript will need to know about your use of the ~ module resolution or alias mappings. Please refer to the TypeScript Module Resolution docs for further information.

// tsconfig.json
  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "~*": ["./src/*"]

Monorepo Resolution

These are the advised usages with monorepos at this time:

Advised usage:

Unadvised usage:

If you're a monorepo user and would like to contribute to these recommendations, please provide example repos when opening issues to support the discussion.

Help us improve the docs

If something is missing or not entirely clear, please file an issue on the website repository or edit this page.